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Scope of collaboration

/Scope of collaboration
Scope of collaboration 2018-11-02T11:32:21+00:00

Major aim of Nasirullah Psychotherapy Unit is to provide psychotherapy services to the community in Bangladesh and to train medical and non-medical personnel in psychotherapy. On this regard, we are open to have collaboration and professional linking on this area of developing psychotherapy society in Bangladesh.
Specific areas of collaboration can be-

  1. Provide technical support to the community in terms of counseling and psychotherapy services, developing module for specific service provision
  2. Raising public awareness on counseling and psychotherapy in the community
  3. Developing training module and provide training on counseling and psychotherapy
  4. Community based mental health service and research provision
  5. Continuous professional development program on psychotherapy and mental health for mental health professionals
  6. Arranging scientific seminar, workshop and conference
  7. Digitalization of mental health services