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Accomplishments 2018-11-02T12:17:38+00:00

Nasirullah Psychotherapy Unit (NPU), Department of Clinical Psychology, University of Dhaka is running a psychotherapy clinic from the very beginning of this program since 2013. In 2018, the clinic has passed its fifth years after initiation.
Major accomplishments during this time periods are:

  1. Each day on an average 5 people made contact with NPU for a serial or information about the services NPU is offering
  2. Each day 18 people are receiving psychotherapy services from our clinic
  3. So far we have made 2 mental health camp at Habiganj and Khagrasori and 5 outreach program under this clinic activities
  4. 9 psychotherapists are providing services throughout the week from Saturday to Thursday
  5. Model and theories of providing psychotherapy services are expanding day by day from Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) to Neuropsychology, Psychodrama, Family Therapy Using Systemic Approach, and Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)
  6. Successfully maintained good referral system from other mental health and health professionals, organizations and Dhaka University authorities.